Here is a selection of space related images predominantly done with Blender3d, then often post processed with Photoshop, Snapseed, and Pixlr. Some of the images are cross-eyed 3D. These were rendered in Vue7 and Vue8. These images were often used by me or others at NASA and ESA in presentations and reports.
Sometimes I just played around with non-space related computer graphics, to try out the different capabilities of Blender3d, from modeling, sculpting and modifiers to materials, from compositors to particle systems, etc. Or tried to recreated famous artwork by others. For example, making a version of a sculpture by Barbara Hepworth, an RCA graduate, or recreating installations from the masters of the Light and Space movement, inspired by the technologies of the California aerospace field in the 1970's.
I also created images for my Facebook timeline, mostly with Blender3d. The dimensions are well defined (851x315), so they are easy to render quickly.